Sunday, November 07, 2010

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Greenhouse sale 2010!

Once again, we've had a successful club sale, selling more than $1000 of tomatoes, peppers, flowers, and assorted vegetables.  Many faculty have already reported terrific growth and bloom from the plants we sold the week before Memorial Day.

Khoi and Arlind selling to faculty.

Here's the plant list:

name days type size color
Tomato Big Beef VFFNTA Hybrid 73 indet. large red $1 pot
Tomato Black Cherry 65 indet. cherry black $1 pot
Tomato Cosmonaut Volkov Red 80 indet. med red $1 pot
Tomato Costa Rica 70 indet. small red $1 pot
Tomato Delicious 77 indet. large red $1 pot
Tomato Early Girl VFF Hybrid 52 indet. med red $1 pot
Tomato Gardener's Delight 65 indet. cherry red $1 pot
Tomato Giant Belgium 90 indet. large dark pink $1 pot
Tomato Glacier 55 det. small red $1 pot
Tomato Golden Rave Hybrid 67 indet. small yellow $1 pot
Tomato Golden Sweet Hybrid 60 indet. cherry yellow $1 pot
Tomato Isis Candy 70 indet. cherry yellow + red $1 pot
Tomato Juliet Hybrid 60 indet. cherry red $1 pot
Tomato Legend 68 det. large red $1 pot
Tomato Neves Azorean Red 75 indet. large red $1 pot
Tomato Polish Linguisa 73 indet. paste red $1 pot
Tomato Red Pearl Hybrid 58 indet. cherry red $1 pot
Tomato Royesta FFNT Hybrid 70 indet. med red $1 pot
Tomato Stupice 52 indet. large red $1 pot
Tomato Sugar Snack Hybrid 65 indet. cherry red $1 pot
Tomato Sugary Hybrid 60 indet. cherry pink $1 pot
Tomato Sun Cherry Hybrid 58 indet. cherry red $1 pot
Tomato SunSugar F1 62 indet. cherry orange $1 pot
Tomato Sweet Gold Hybrid 75 indet. cherry yellow $1 pot
Tomato Viva Italia Hybrid 70 det. paste red $1 pot
Tomato Yellow Pear 78 indet. cherry yellow $1 pot
name type size color
Pepper Ace Hybrid sweet bell green $1 pot
Pepper Chichimeca Hybrid hot jalepeno green, red $1 pot
Pepper Congo Trinidad v hot habenero green, red $1 pot
Pepper Fat 'n Sassy Hybrid sweet bell green, red $1 pot
Pepper Garden Salsa Hybrid hot jalepeno green, red $1 pot
Pepper Jalapa Hybrid hot jalepeno green, red $1 pot
Pepper Red Mushroom v hot habenero green, red $1 pot
Pepper Thai Dragon v hot small green, red $1 pot
Cantaloupe Maverick Hybrid $1 pot
Cucumber Diva $1 pot
Eggplant $1 pot
Golden Berry Goldie $1 pot
Strawberry Earliglow $1 pot
Strawberry Jewel $1 pot
Strawberry Seascape $1 pot
Summer Squash Multipik Hybrid $1 pot
Watermelon Sugar Baby $1 pot
Zucchini Tigress Hybrid $1 pot
Basil 'Genovese' $2 6-pack
Basil 'Lime' $2 6-pack
Basil 'Sweet Dani' $2 6-pack
Convovulus Royal Ensign $2 6-pack
Cosmos Sensation $2 6-pack
Ipomoea Heavenly Blue $1 pot
Lavateria Twins Pink $2 6-pack
Marigold Antigua Mix $2 6-pack
Marigold Durango Mix $2 6-pack
Marigold Sunspot Mix $2 6-pack
Marigold Zenith Mix $2 6-pack
Salvia Lady In Red $2 6-pack
Zinnia Giant Scarlet $2 6-pack
Zinnia Thumbellina $2 6-pack
Zinnia Uproar Rose $2 6-pack
Zinnia Zahara Mix $2 6-pack

We had some leftover plants: rather than leave them all to perish over the summer in the greenhouse, we donated the vegetables to the Boston Natural Areas Network Program, which made them available to (mostly immigrant) gardeners at City Natives.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

2010 Planting Party!

It was a sunny but cool and breezy day when we partied at my house to get my seedlings planted.  9 students and 2 parents showed up (Khoi and the parents are not in the picture.)

We feasted on a great deal of home cooking. including a huge fruit salad, two noodle dishes, unlimited liquids, and the usual grilled chicken, burgers, and dogs.  Sam didn't stop eating the whole time.

We worked from roughly 1PM to 6PM: as you can see, we got a little punchy towards the end.  All 1000 daylily seedlings got planted in two beds (see the smaller one below.)  Then we walked down the street, and I treated everybody to Thai food for dinner.

Doesn't look like much, does it?  But look below at the results of last year's party as it comes into bloom. 1500 seedlings starting to bloom.  These early ones are predominantly white and melon shades.  Later the purple and red shades will open to the right.

I'm really grateful to the partying helpers: we got planted in one day what would normally take me at least 4 backbreaking days.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Plant Sale

The plant sale was very sucessful and many teachers were interested in buying both flowers and vegetables. Teachers paid up to $30 dollars for plants, and members of the club kept things smooth by helping out, and carrying things to people's cars. It was altogether great. Good job greenhouse club, and Mr. Huben!

Natural Beauty

Wild Girl

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


An End Has A Start

Super small & super sweet!

It was indeed a sweet little thing. Smaller than the average strawberries, it was incredibly soft and too easy to swallow.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Like Treasure

"You will keep forever, I'll bury you like treasure"- Editors.

Things Fall Apart

March 10th 2010.
That fateful day when a TABLE in the greenhouse fell. The accident was due to the an entanglement of the hose on the legs. The girl watering the plants (whose name I won't state for various reasons) pulled a bit too hard, and heard a crash.
As your prompt photographer, I took it upon myself to catch the moment while we waited for Mr. Huben to come.

Mr. Huben never came.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010